We set our standards of professional integrity high and work to those for every client…
Formal individual or family studio portraits; home location shoots for family christmas cards etc.
Less formal, romantic location shoots to mark engagements, or just to indulge an individual’s quest for a particular mood.
Artistic shoots, inspired by particular wardrobe, hair and makeup ideas. I will work with the client to create a studio set, or find an appropriate location, to help best create the artistic effect the client is looking for.
Any product from jewelry to vehicles, either in studio or location.
In the cases of jewelry, clothing, hair design etc being modeled, I can supply models for such projects or work with a Client’s own models.
Commercial buildings for corporate portfolios, brochures and marketing material.
Residential property as an artistic keepsake, or for real estate marketing.
I learned during my own “further education” in certain aspects of photography just how much more I was able to absorb through one to one mentoring than in a multiple student classroom or workshop environment.
Mentors I have worked with have identified my weaknesses and focussed time more productively on them. And when I felt I needed to explore or debate a particular issue in more detail, I was able to do so in a way which is not practical in a classroom environment.
It has been a huge benefit to me to learn in this manner, and is the best way in which I can help others to improve and achieve their own aspirations.
Many of the images found in the galleries on this site are available as prints.
If you see something you are interested in please contact me to discuss size and media and estimate of cost.
Just as back in the day, when part of the whole imaging process was the technical skill and artistic license in the darkroom, so skills with digital platforms present wonderful artistic opportunity.
If you have old photographs which have either faded or become damaged, yet still hold great sentimental value, we will scan them to digital images and recover most of their original vibrance and, where damaged, in most cases “repair” them.
Wedding photography is a specialisation which I have not pursued, nor do I intend to.
It would be unprofessional of me to claim the requisite experience or proficiency in this field. Therefore, I must politely decline to shoot weddings, so please do not ask.
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